As you can see, in the advert I used the same colour scheme and picture as the digipack which I thought was effective as it created synergy between the products. I thought it was important to feature the picture of the actual digipack cover in the advert for two main reasons, firstly because that was what the advert was advertising and secondly it builds the image in a person's head making them remember the cover. I thought it was effective to use the big brand logos at the top in the banner as it will allow the audience to recognise those logos and see that if these brands are playing/selling the song then it must be good enough. Once again I decided to use a seductive picture for the advert because simply sex does sell and we need as much sales as we can get so therefore this is the most effective way of advertising her product. The logos used do not really give clues about the genre of the song as they are too general, however the title and her image easily represents her as an R'n'B singer, as they follow the mainstream conventions of an R'n'B product- the singer is of African/Carribean origin and the song is about pain etc. This in turn allows the audience to establish what genre this product represents and therefore can assume what it might be about thus making the decision whether they are interested or not. I placed the picture of Lizzie in the position as she is in the cover, in the left corner, once again leaving her bare leg in the centre of the advert and her CD/DVD cover being posed around, this was done for the same reasons stated previously in the blog prior to this.
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